Echo Bay Lending Library

Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

The Landfill WINTER Hours
OCTOBER 1 – MARCH 31: Tuesday 12-5, Thursday 12-5, Saturday 9-5

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Our Lending Library

The Lending Library is available by appointment only.

The Echo Bay Lending Library would like to let students know that we’ve applied once again for summer funding.  The student will prepare crafts, snacks and activities for the children to participate in the summer reading program.

Our Lending Library was funded last year by Canada Young Works – Canadian Museum Association and our township to allow it to be open all summer long.

Council would like to thank the past volunteers for their time and dedication to the Lending Library.

Hours for the Lending Library are all volunteered and are by appointment at this time.  If you need to use the computer, or photocopy anything, please contact the municipal office 705-248-2441 or Trisha 705-248-2381 during regular business hours as indicated below.

Hours by appointment

If for some reason you have books to return and can’t get to the library, you can bring it into the township office during their hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm).  The Township office has an after hour drop off slot in the door so you can drop your books through it.