Genealogy Program

Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

The Landfill WINTER Hours
OCTOBER 1 – MARCH 31: Tuesday 12-5, Thursday 12-5, Saturday 9-5

Home | Municipal | History | Genealogy Program

EKOBA Historical Society

The Ekoba Museum Committee had a genealogy group that ran in the past on Tuesday’s, at 1 pm.  If you are interested in getting together to discover your family history & explore your ancestors, this is a group for you. You can learn how to access sites and records available on and off the computer. 

This group is currently inactive. If you would like to volunteer in any way or to revitalize this group, please contact Trisha at .

If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please pass them on to the Leisure Services Coordinator and she’ll see what she can do to support your thoughts and ideas.  You can contact the Leisure Services Coordinator, Trisha at or call 705-248-1166 or 705-248-2381 or her cell at 705-297-4024.  Her hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 4:30 pm.

Some great sites to check out:

If you are interested in the Ontario Marriage Registrations 1800 – 1927 go to

1911 Census of Canada Indexing project (other years, including 1090 are accessible in the top right corner of this page)

Ontario Marriage Registrations 1800 – 1927