Fire & Emergency

Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

The Landfill WINTER Hours
OCTOBER 1 – MARCH 31: Tuesday 12-5, Thursday 12-5, Saturday 9-5

Home | Municipal | Fire & Emergency

Fire Department

Chartered 1963


  • Reminder not parking near hydrants (10 feet on each side)
  • With the continued extreme weather changes, please ensure that everyone knows their escape plan and meeting place
  • For the folks that need assistance in an emergency being in a wheelchair or on oxygen, please let me know who you are.  If you are interested, please call the township at 705-248-2441 and the information will be kept confidential for Fire Department use only (for our records).
  • Please contact the municipal office for more direction.

Changes in Command

At a council meeting on September 4, 2018, it stated the following; “RESOLVED that we accept Fire Chief Jarrell’s recommendation to appoint Captain Cody Jarrell as Deputy Fire Chief (#18-279) and appoint Cameron Brockelbank as a Captain (#18-280) of the Echo Bay Volunteer Fire Dept.”

At a council meeting on May 15, 2018, “RESOLVED that we appoint Janice Catling as the Chief of Fire Education Division (#18-169) at the Echo Bay Volunteer Fire Department.

Council would like to congratulate Matthew Jarrell as our new Fire Chief for the Echo Bay & Townships Volunteer Fire Department.

Council would like to thank Janice Catling for her years of service and wishing her well in retirement with her last day being March 31, 2018

  • For the folks that need assistance in an emergency being in a wheelchair or on oxygen, please let me know who you are.  If you are interested, please call the township at 705-248-2441 and the information will be kept confidential for Fire Department eyes only (for our records).
  • Please contact the municipal office regarding the chimney sweeping program.  
  • Working on a solution for farmers burning hay or disposing of soiled hay.

New Recruits

Council would like to welcome Bryce Vanderburg (motion #19-349) and Jack MacLeod (motion #19-350) as new firefighters to our Volunteer Fire Department.

Past Happenings

50th Anniversary of the Echo Bay Fire Department was held on April 27, 2013, at the Echo Bay Fire Hall – 3407 Hwy 17 B.

In 1962, the Echo Bay Volunteer Fire Department was formed and in 1963 was chartered by Council. There was an open house and lunch held.  All former firefighters, present firefighters, family and friends shared in the day to talk about memories of the years gone by.  Also, everyone was able to get a birds eye view of the new equipment and trucks.

We are always looking for pictures to add to our archives.  If you have old pictures that pertain to the fire department and would like to share them, please call Janice at 705-248-2548.  She will copy the pictures so that the owner will retain the original.

Firefighters Association

Firefighters Association