Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
The Landfill WINTER Hours
OCTOBER 1 – MARCH 31: Tuesday 12-5, Thursday 12-5, Saturday 9-5
News Release from OMAFRA – Please click here
Certified list of Candidates & Acclamation – Click Here
Phillips Haulage will begin work on the Echo Lake Road Stabilization project beginning Monday August 22, 2022. Sections of Echo Lake Road along the river
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 22, 2022 In light of Algoma Public Health lifting their current water advisory on June 21, 2022, the Township of Macdonald,
The Township was able to secure two certified potable water carrier trucks that have each been hauling six loads of treated water to the Environment
Township of Macdonald, Meredith & Aberdeen Additional
208 Church Street P.O. Box 10
Echo Bay, Ontario P0S 1CO
T: (705) 248-2441 | F: (705) 248-3091